Friday, February 24, 2017

After-Thoughts: Which Hatsu Type - Jaganshi Hiei

On youtube, I follow a youtuber by the name of Antoine Bandelle who makes several series where he takes a character from an unrelated series and tries to see how they'd fit into a particular fictional world. His series on this are Which Lightsaber Form, where he talks about fighting styles, Which Hogwarts House, which is more about personalities, and Which Avatar Element, which is a bit of a mixture of the two. So, I'd like to do something similar.

Here, I will be taking various characters from various different series to see what Nen types they are most suited to, which one is likely their primary category, which Hatsu types they currently incorporate into their fighting styles, and which ones would likely be worth training to push their abilities to the absolute limit.

To start off with, we're taking a character from a series Togashi did before Hunter X Hunter, YuYu Hakusho, the famous anti-hero speed-demon himself, Jaganshi Hiei, or Hiei of the Evil Eye. So, let's get to it.


Enhancement is the category of reinforcement. A user of this Hatsu type can reinforce, supplement, or otherwise strengthen themselves or a substance. This can include really powerful punches or enhanced toughness, to increasing sensory output such as hearing or eye-sight, or even healing.

Enhancers tend to be very tough in general, even without aura. Part of this may stem from the fact that enhancers are so used to using body enhancing abilities that their bodies naturally adapt to that power and internalize it over time.

In this regard, Hiei was quite adept as an Enhancer. Though he did not primarily focus on physical power, he did have great speed, something some Enhancers show quite well. The best comparison for a Hunter X Hunter character translating well into Hiei would be Nobunaga of the Phantom Troupe. He's an Enhancer and not quite as strong as the other Enhancers in the troupe but his great speed and precision with a blade make him a formidable foe. Hiei is relatively similar in this regard, though that's not all Hiei has in his repertoire.

One thing to note is that Hiei can greatly Enhance his physical power by absorbing his Dragon of the Darkness Flame. Just an example of how much it increases his power, in the same fight against the opponent Bui, Hiei's physical strength by itself and even his most powerful Dragon of the Darkness Flame were not powerful enough to damage Bui. Bui was even strong enough to turn the dragon back on him, thinking that would kill Hiei.

Hiei's strength, as a result of absorbing the dragon, increased so much that Bui's full power could not even faze him and Hiei ended up defeating Bui in two physical blows, without any additional special moves.

The way this would translate into Enhancement skills would be a physical buff with the vow that he could only use this power after Absorbing the dragon and that he would fall asleep when it finishes, not unlike Gon's Adult Form in the Chimera Ant Arc, just to a lesser degree.


Transmutation is the ability to give your aura properties and to alter those properties at will. Transmuters can give their aura properties and change those properties at any time they wish.

In this regard, Hiei did not seem to be all that skilled as a Transmuter. Though arguments could be made for his Dragon of the Darkness Flame and Fist of the Mortal Flame, those could have just as easily been Conjuring Abilities as they were Transmuting Abilities.

Probably the biggest example of Transmutation Skills that one could make is his Sword of the Darkness Flame, an attack which requires the Flames of Hell and shapes them into a Sword, something a Conjurer would be unable to do. This is the biggest hint that Hiei's Skills rely on Transmutation much more than Conjuring, though Conjuring could be an element in certain circumstances.


Emission is the ability to take your aura and project it at a distance without it fading over time. Emission skills are primarily long range for this reason.

Here, it's not hard to see how Hiei's Dragon of the Darkness Flame could be an Emission skill, even if it does incorporate Transmutation into the mix.

Though Hiei's not as reliant on long range skills as other Transmuters in Hunter X Hunter tend to be, such as Silva and Zeno Zoldyck or Feitan from the Phantom Troupe, it is clear that he can use them quite efficiently.


Conjuration is the ability to manifest your aura as a physical substance and use it in that way. Though most elemental abilities seem to fall outside of this, it is possible for certain elemental effects such as fire or water to be conjured en masse.

That said, Hiei didn't seem to have too many Conjuring Abilities. Although several instances of fire could be seen as Conjuring, certain abilities may be harder to get that impression with.


Manipulation is the ability to command your aura and use it to manipulate other substances or even living beings. As Kastro demonstrated during his fight with Hisoka, manipulation can be used to manipulate your aura just as much as anything else.

Hiei never showed any ability to use Manipulation skills. Though it may be possible, he simply never had those skills in the first place.


Specialization is the catch all category that contains any ability that does not fall under the other five categories. In this respect, probably the closest thing to Specialist abilities Hiei has comes from his psychic and telepathic powers that are channeled through his Jagan. Although the Jagan is an artifical aspect of his body, it doesn't change the fact that his Jagan and its abilities could be manifested as specialist powers.


Hiei's abilities seem to translate best into Enhancement, Transmutation, Emission, and Specialization. In terms of his primary category, it is most likely Transmutation given how advanced fire aura must be. That said, his skill with Emission and Enhancement are also quite great.

For his training, I would recommend that he take on more Transmutation training to increase his skillset and increase his abilities with Enhancement and Emission as well. 

In terms of what Hiei would choose, he would probably continue on the path he is on.

That's all for today and I hope to see you again soon.

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