Saturday, May 20, 2017

After-Thoughts Calculation: My Hero Academia U.A. Freshman Class Tier List

Today, I'm going to be talking about the different powers of the different characters in a form of tier list fashion. I'm doing this to give and get a general overview of which characters may be overall the most powerful among the different freshman students. So, first and foremost, I'm only going to be talking about two types of characters: characters that can clearly overtake at least one other on this list, and characters whose abilities are expounded enough that we can extrapolate where they might end up if pushed to the limit.

So this means at least two characters are left out automatically: Minoru Mineta, for the former reason, and many others for the latter.

So I'm going to do this the way the Smash List would work: I'll compile a list of characters and compare them to each other in terms of their ratios for who may or may not have the biggest advantage against each character in direct one-on-one fights and then average out those ratios to form tiers of letter categories divided into groups of five. S at the top, then A, then B, then C, then D, until we get to the actual bottom.

I will also put the numbers I came to later down in this post but most of this talking will be me giving you my thought process on why characters have certain numbers. But first, we need a roster.

Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki are obvious picks for obvious reasons. Then, from the remainder of class 1-A, we will have Tokoyami Fumikage, Momo Yaoyarozu, Tenya Iida, Eijiro Kirishima, and Denki Kaminari. Certain characters who are certainly powerful, like Tsuyu Asui and Kyoka Jiro are left out because I don't know what their limits are, and as much as I want to include Uraraka she is absolutely not a combat type and only made it to the finals due to her mobility rather than actual fighting technique.

Then, from class 1-B I will be taking Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, which is actually his full name, no I'm not joking, and Neito Monoma for having quirks that are fairly easy to dissect and also fairly easy to figure out limits for.

And finally, from General Studies, we will also be including Hitoshi Shinso because he made it to the finals and, despite his match against Izuku, I do believe he has a fair shot. But we'll get to that.

So here's what I'm going to do. First, I'm going to divide this by character and have each character have a table containing their win-loss ratios against other characters and the average at the very end. Then, in the conclusion, I will put in a table every average from greatest to least.

So, with that out of the way, let's get to the first one.

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Despite his handicap of injuring himself at full power and lack of control over his quirk, Izuku has a fair advantage over a number of characters. Characters that are durability based like Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are going to go down easily because they have some durability but not enough to avoid being one-punched and they definitely don't have the speed or reflexes to dodge or avoid such a powerful strike. True, this punch will probably break his arm but Izuku will take them down in the process. On the other hand, Neito Monoma can copy an opponent's quirk he touches but Izuku's strength is great enough that he could beat him without touching him and, even if Monoma does gain the quirk, he won't have the ability to hold back and will break himself in the process. Kaminari doesn't have the speed, strength, or defense to stand up to One for All. Hitoshi Shinso is clearly powerful but Izuku has the ability to negate his power, which I'll get to once I get to his section. And Yaoyarozu does better than most because her creation ability would allow her to make a buffer between herself and Izuku to protect herself long enough to allow Izuku to break himself. It's not all that likely but she does have a chance.

Bakugo and Todoroki have advantages over Izuku's quirk but only because they have so much more mobility or, in Todoroki's case, Paralyzing abilities that might make up the difference. Again, though, it's pretty even.

The only characters here that I don't think Izuku has any chance of beating are Tokoyami and Iida. Tokoyami because his dark shadow is immune to physical damage and can only be harmed by light, something that Izuku can't use, and Iida is so much faster than Izuku that he could just dodge all of Izuku's attacks until he goes down. Yes, Izuku might have a plan but Iida is just as smart, maybe more so, and while Izuku is planning, Iida's fast enough to go in for the kill, metaphorically speaking at least.

Katsuki Bakugo

Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Bakugo is strong, certainly but not as much as one might think. Though Bakugo has no one that completely dominates him, he also doesn't dominate anyone as completely as Izuku dominates some characters.

Against Izuku, this fight, if it were to just be a straight up fight, would depend on how well Bakugo could deal damage to Izuku while avoiding damage from him at the same time. Obviously, if Bakugo gets hit by Izuku's smash attacks it's completely over but he's also evasive enough that he doesn't have to worry too much. This isn't really a test of skill as much as a test of stamina. Obviously, Bakugo can beat Izuku as long as he doesn't take any hits. However, unlike Iida, who can guarantee an evasion game, Bakugo has neither the mobility nor the patience to dodge until he has an opening, he will avoid attacks while attacking to make more of a flurry of strikes, akin to the opening cutscene of Devil May Cry 3.

Bakugo and Todoroki are even and I have a reason for making them so. Though it is clear that one can beat the other if circumstances benefit them, one thing to point out is that Bakugo's explosions are not all that effective against Todoroki's ice, and Bakugo only has limited resistance to fire. However, Todoroki can be very harshly damaged by his own quirk if he's not careful. As a result, this one is not a test of skill or power but of time. The winner of this fight will come down to who can take the hardest hits and stay standing when it's all said and done.

Bakugo can beat Tokoyami but this one will depend on the time of day. Bakugo's ability to generate explosions and flashes from them makes him quite powerful against dark shadow. However, the small amount of light will only be an advantage during the day. At night or away from any form of light, Bakugo's explosions will deal chip damage to dark shadow. Bakugo does defeat Tokoyami in the Finals of the Sports Festival but Tokoyami might have had a chance had it been night time. However, because I'm not sure, I gave Bakugo a 70% advantage.

Bakugo is also relatively even with Yaoyarozu. Yaoyarozu could generate objects that are tough enough to resist explosion damage and deal damage to Bakugo. One thing she may be able to do in an extreme case is generate very heavy steel armor to protect herself from Bakugo's explosions and a cannon to deal damage at long range. She's already created the cannon and though it's not clear if she can make armor, it is still within the realm of possibility. The problem I see with giving Yaoyarozu more than a 40% chance of victory is because a lot of what her quirk can potentially do has not been shown to be within her capability. So Bakugo gets the edge.

Tenya Iida is at more of a disadvantage here because, unlike Izuku, Bakugo does actually have some mobility and some wider range. Though he's not as fast as Iida is, he can use that to his advantage by having Iida run straight into an explosion, dealing extensive damage due to the recoil. Iida could dodge but Bakugo has more mobility and sustain than Izuku does, allowing him a stronger advantage against Iida.

Bakugo does defeat Kirishima in the Festival Tournament. However, part of this is not entirely clear to me. While Bakugo is certainly strong, and enough explosions would break through his defenses, Kirishima came to fight Bakugo after drawing against Tetsutetsu so I'm not sure if Bakugo was just stronger or if Kirishima was at a disadvantage. I'm somewhat inclined to believe the former due to Recovery Girl but I don't know if she heals everyone who gets injured. So far, she's only treated Izuku. While you could make the argument that All-Might is too damaged to be healed, that's a harder thing to say about Aizawa. He may not have enough strength to fully heal with her quirk but he would definitely heal faster with her support so I don't know what the specifics are on that. In any case, Bakugo gets an advantage against Kirishima for being too fast to hit and hitting too hard for him to last.

Kaminari and Tetsutetsu get largely the same score for largely the same reason.

Neito Monoma has the ability to use Bakugo's quirk against him, which will matter much more here than it would against Izuku. However, Monoma doesn't have the same practice with Bakugo's quirk that Bakugo does, meaning he won't make as much skillful use of it. So he gets a fairly low score.

Probably the one that is unluckiest in this match up is Hitoshi Shinso, however. Against almost any other opponent, Shinso would be to him what Aizawa would be to any villain. The problem is that Bakugo's quirk is too much like All-Might's if we're sticking with the Aizawa comparison. Though Bakugo might fall under the spell initially, Bakugo can generate explosions to break free, not unlike Izuku. However, unlike Izuku, he doesn't have to hurt himself in order to do it. Shinso is incompatible with Bakugo, is the short version.

Shoto Todoroki

Shoto Todoroki
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Todoroki is the strongest one so far with five more points on average than Bakugo and ten more than Izuku. And, obviously, no one has a decent shot at beating Todoroki. However, there are still opportunities for Todoroki to lose depending on the opponent.

Todoroki could very easily protect himself from Izuku while he damages himself and damage him at the same time, far more easily than Bakugo. Based on the festival, one would think Izuku would have an advantage due to how he overcame the ice so easily. However, it's worth noting that Shoto was in a bit of a mental funk until he started using his fire, at which point Izuku went down fairly easy.

As I said in the Bakugo section, a fight between these two could go any which way depending on circumstances.

Tokoyami is not a good opponent for Todoroki. While Dark Shadow might be invulnerable toward the freezing, Shoto could generate flames that could very easily deal with Dark Shadow without breaking much of a sweat.

If Yaoyarozu is going to have a shot against Todoroki, she needs to make sure her creations are separated from her body at all times. If they touch for even a moment in a position where she cannot dodge or get away, he'll freeze her to the bone.

Todoroki and Iida have a fight in the Sports Festival and the outcome is clear but Iida may have a small shot if he uses his ultimate secret technique to get a rapid strike onto Todoroki for an instant K.O. If that works, he's gone against the odds. If he fails, however, the match will be forfeit.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu get the same score because they'll respond relatively similarly to Todoroki's ice, they'll be frozen solid and not have the strength to break out. They might withstand it while their quirks are active but they have limited strength and mobility.

Kaminari might be able to shock Todoroki if he can touch him but I find this unlikely and if Todoroki freezes him, the current Kaminari unleashes may end up in a self-inflicted death.

Neito Monoma is a bit of a hard case, for the same reason as Bakugo. If he can touch him he might be able to steal the quirk but Todoroki can easily fight at long range without having to worry too much about having his quirk stolen.

Probably the most even match Todoroki has is with Shinso. If he talks at all, Shinso will win automatically, I don't see a lot of reason to suggest Shoto could escape his grip. But if he stays silent, Shinso will have no way of defending himself. This fight will be decided at the beginning and end in the blink of an eye.

Tokoyami Fumikage

Tokoyami Fumikage
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Despite how these numbers make him look, Tokoyami is actually a very powerful character with a really powerful quirk. As far as we are aware, Tokoyami's dark shadow only has a weakness to light or anything that emits it, which gives him a distinct disadvantage against Kaminari, Todoroki, and Bakugo.

As far as we are aware, Dark Shadow is invulnerable toward physical attacks, the problem is simply that Tokoyami himself is not, which means any force that can bypass Dark Shadow would give someone like Izuku or Iida a fair shot at beating him. However, for Izuku it would be because his force is too powerful for Dark Shadow to completely block, and for Iida it's simply because he's too fast to block at every angle.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are even with Tokoyami because neither can harm Dark Shadow but Dark Shadow may also have trouble harming them and if they can bypass Dark Shadow, they gain an advantage, however unlikely. Neito Monoma would also fight to a standstill because two users of the same autonomous quirk would obviously just be flat out equal.

The only ones I think are really controversial with him are Shinso and Yaoyarozu. Yaoyarozu has a fairly decent shot at beating him because, while she cannot generate light necessarily she could potentially generate something that could emit light, like a really powerful stun baton or a spotlight. This is based on potential, however, and not due to what she's actually shown.

Finally, while Shinso's quirk may allow him to possess Tokoyami, I doubt it could possess Dark Shadow and Dark Shadow may be autonomous enough that either it could shock Tokoyami awake to break the spell completely or it could protect him without direction.

The problem with Tokoyami's numbers is simply that this tier list right now makes him really easy to counter, and not necessarily weaker than any other character.

Momo Yaoyarozu

Momo Yaoyarozu
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Much like Tokoyami, Yaoyarozu is actually a lot more powerful than these numbers imply. While her quirk is "difficult to learn, difficult to master," she has proven capable of standing alongside the other students in her quirk's adaptive abilities. This is because, provided she has the knowledge she needs to make it, her power has infinite potential.

But that is the crux of the issue: potential. A lot of what may allow Yaoyarozu to stand among the best has not been shown to be among her skillset as of yet. Of course, nothing she generates will protect her from Izuku, One for All is just too strong, but if she understands her body well enough, she may be able to create cells to regenerate, allowing her an edge. Against Bakugo she could generate armor to protect from his explosions, possibly even power armor to fight against him with her martial skills. She could generate an insulator to protect from both Shoto's sides. She could generate light in mass quantities to utterly annihilate Tokoyami. She could generate an electromangetic deflector to protect herself from Kaminari. She could generate a corrosive substance that could rot Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. Depending on how the manga goes, she may even be able to generate an innate counter to Shinso's quirk, Magneto style.

The problem is that all of this is what she could do with proper training and not necessarily what she's capable of now. This is the reason Neito Monoma is the only one she completely dominates. Because his quirk is to copy her quirk and her quirk requires extensive training and knowledge to use at all, this is the only case where taking her quirk would have no detriment to her chances in the fight since she would obviously have a lot more practice than he would.

Tenya Iida

Tenya Iida
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Tenya Iida is probably the one so far I feel is most deserving of the spot he has. While he is certainly not weak or stupid, his engine legs would obviously have a limited number of ways it can be used before it becomes predictable what he'll do.

Izuku is probably the easiest domination to justify since Iida is the only one who could very well dodge all of Izuku's strikes before he ends up breaking himself or leaving himself vulnerable to a counterattack. Izuku has a lot of power but his lack of control makes it detrimental against an opponent with greater speed.

Bakugo has some mobility that could increase his odds of winning but Iida's forward momentum might carry him through to the end. Todoroki can render his quirk useless which justifies that number. And while Iida doesn't seem to have a solid way to beat Yaoyarozu she doesn't have any legitimate ways to beat him either, it's a standoff for the moment.

Iida is most vulnerable toward the durability characters, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, since they could come out fine from Iida's kicks and possibly break his legs in the process, depending on how fast he's rushing at them. Kaminari may also be a point of vulnerability since the engines seem to be made of metal and metal conducts electricity better than other substances.

Neito Monoma is a bit of a tossup just because while his quirk may be easy to get a hold of, forward momentum and speed in general really aren't. So they may be even in speed but Iida would have more control.

However, Shinso would easily dominate Iida in a real fight. Iida really has no way of defending against Shinso's quirk like several others I've already covered.

Eijiro Kirishima

Eijiro Kirishima
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Kirishima is another one on this list that's easy to counter. Most of the high-damage characters like Izuku and Bakugo can beat him easily and Todoroki could freeze him in place without needing to harm him any further, negating the need for force. He also has no method of overcoming Shinso's quirk. Finally, any character that can match him in the durability department, like Neito Monoma and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu come up even and Yaoyarozu could end up as a glass cannon depending on how she approaches it.

Pretty much the only ones Kirishima is guaranteed to beat to a certain extent are Iida, for not being durable enough to withstand his rock hard body, and Kaminari, whose electricity would have far less effect on Kirishima than others due to the nature of his particular type of hardening.

Denki Kaminari

Denki Kaminari
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Denki Kaminari is not the best student in Class 1-A and the show has never tried to obscure that fact. While Kaminari is not a weak character necessarily, his weakness of short-circuiting his brain from power overuse is very similar to Izuku's durability problem which puts him at a disadvantage against characters that can withstand the abuse.

Obviously because Kaminari has no extra durability powers to note, he's very weak against the physical damage characters Izuku, Bakugo, Iida, and Yaoyarozu. He also has very little chance against Kirishima due to the hardening reducing the effectiveness of electricity, giving him more sustain in that regard. Tetsutetsu is somewhat more vulnerable due to the fact that metal conducts electricity better than rock would, making it possible for him to shock or even erode Tetsutetsu with electricity in a small span of time. Neito Monoma is a bit of a tricky case though.

Monoma has to touch an opponent before he can take their quirk, which raises two problems for that character: first, he has to deal with a taser treatment before he can do it. And secondly, once he takes the electricity, they may shock each other to the point of short-circuiting and the match ending in a draw.

Kaminari has a small chance of overcoming Shinso with his shock ability but only a small chance because I'm not quite certain of the degree he's vulnerable toward his own power.

Pretty much the only character he dominates to any degree is Tokoyami and only because Dark Shadow has a particular weakness to light and, therefore, electricity.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Tetsutetsu suffers from a lot of the same problems that Kirishima does so I won't cover that in too much detail but, to reiterate, any character that can match his durability will be even with him, which is why Kirishima and Neito Monoma can match him easily. Any character that can deal more damage than his durability can tolerate will overwhelm him, with Izuku being a notably strong counter. And, because he's metal, freezing from Shoto would make him more brittle and easier to break, and Kaminari could erode his metal body through electric stimulation. And, of course, he has no real way to fight against Shinso.

Pretty much the only character he has a chance to beat without risking too much injury himself is Iida, as Iida is a lot more fragile in terms of makeup than a solid steel ball would be. Yaoyarozu and Tokoyami have quirks that could overwhelm him but not so much that he can't come back, it's pretty even all things considered.

Neito Monoma

Neito Monoma
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso

Neito Monoma has a far lower number than many would think a copy-cat character would have, if fighting games and brawlers are any indication so allow me to explain. Within the context of a video game, it is often explained both from a production and canon standpoint why that character can use the moveset with equal effectiveness to the original character. Monoma, however, doesn't have that.

Normally, a character like Kirby, Dural, Raidou, or Bartz has a power that allows them to use their allies' or, in some cases, enemies' abilities due to some supernatural power or previous practice that allows them to use it just as well as any player would. Monoma, however, has to rely on his own limited experience and practice with the quirks he takes. This ultimately means that any fight he gets into is not as much of a mirror match as one would initially think.

An easier power to get to grips with, like Bakugo's or Kirishima's would grant him a better shot than abilities that are either hard to use in general, like Yaoyarozu's, or put him at risk to try to take or use them, like Izuku or Kaminari.

Then of course, there's Shinso, which you may be sick of reading me allude to him without getting to him so I think now's the time to do so.

Hitoshi Shinso

Hitoshi Shinso
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Tokoyami Fumikage
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Neito Monoma
Hitoshi Shinso
In the series of My Hero Academia, I believe every member of the freshman class introduced has a superhero counterpart in terms of personality and prowess. Izuku obviously has All-Might, Bakugo has Endeavor, and Tenya Iida has Kamui Woods. However, one of the most interesting is one that hasn't seen enough attention either in the anime or the manga.

Of the freshman class, Hitoshi Shinso obviously bares the most similarities to Shota Aizawa. Both of their quirks are better suited to either stealth operations or one-on-one encounters. Though Shinso's quirk could hit a larger number of people depending on the context, it's fair to say that neither are entirely physical characters. Both have a quirk that responds to sensory input and has some effect on the target's body. Both seem to be intelligent and sneaky but never to the point of crossing any moral boundaries.

This leads me to why Shinso is so hard to beat among this cast of characters that I've chosen. So far, his quirk has shown two notable weaknesses: the first is that it requires a verbal response to activate and the second is that it requires a shock or jolt from either force or sense of touch in order to break out of it.

Obviously any character that can keep their mouth shut while they fight will have a strong advantage over him. However, so far the only character that's proven entirely able to do that is Shoto Todoroki. This means that, in order to overcome him completely, a character fighting him needs some way to stimulate touch, particularly pain or pressure, in order to break out of it. And, on this list, there are only three characters who can do that effectively: Izuku Midoriya, obviously, Katsuki Bakugo, and Tokoyami Fumikage.

Bakugo will probably be the most infuriating to lose to in all honesty because while Bakugo doesn't know how to shut up, if he constantly shoots explosions out of his hands, that won't matter, he'll just keep jolting out of it which will just make Shinso angry and put him at a greater disadvantage than he already is.

Izuku's fighting with Shinso in the anime demonstrates his effectiveness pretty well but, to summarize real quick, Izuku can activate One for All in his foggy-headed state to press on his body or even break some bones to snap out of it.

Tokoyami is the one I think I'll have the hardest but most interesting time trying to justify. While it is true that Tokoyami is not a talkative man he is still prone to responding verbally to opponent's words, something that will be his downfall. However, something to keep in mind is that Dark Shadow only responds to Tokoyami, never to anyone else, and it seems to have something of a mind of its own. Meaning, either, it could protect Tokoyami while he's under the mind control or, if worst comes to worst, it could snap him out of it itself.

The characters that will fail the hardest are the ones who have no means of shocking themselves out of the mind control once they're under it. This is especially true for Neito Monoma, who has no way of stealing the quirk, no real base power to free himself with, and is prone to responding to an opponent's words.


Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Hitoshi Shinso
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyarozu
Tokoyami Fumikage
Tenya Iida
Eijiro Kirishima
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Denki Kaminari
Neito Monoma

I'm sure nobody reading this right now is surprised that Todoroki is on top and that Bakugo is right behind him. While it is true that other characters do stand a chance, these two have some of the most balanced abilities of anyone here. Hitoshi Shinso makes it as high as he does because of how great his quirk is one on one with a sentient character. Note, however, that he may not do as well against non-verbal creatures like Noumu. Izuku is the ultimate glass cannon. He has more power than everyone else but breaks the easiest as well, meaning that he's somewhat like Saitama in the sense that, most of the time, the fight is over the second he throws a full-power punch. Yaoyarozu rounds out the bottom of the top 5 for now but I'm hopeful that she can reach her potential eventually. And finally, Monoma is probably the least effective in this kind of setting because of how his copy ability works. Copying can work if you know how to improvise but, most of the time, when you use a stolen power, you won't use it as well as the owner.

That's all for tonight. Have a wonderful day.

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