Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Which Hatsu Type - Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki is the star of the Shounen Manga Naruto and the anime Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, a young boy with the desire to become Hokage, he was treated as an outcast due to the presence of the Kyubi sealed within him by his father, Minato Namikaze. For the purposes of this discussion, I will be talking about Naruto and the Nine Tails individually and together, as I believe both entities deserve their own abilities listed.


Enhancement is the act of reinforcing the attributes of any given substance or skill. Through the use of Aura, one's energy can be used to reinforce their body, toughen a weapon, or increase the power of their attacks.

Here, I think Naruto's Hatsu abilities are the weakest. While he does have a fair amount of power as a physical fighter, Naruto doesn't have much in the way of building up Chakra or amplifying his physical skills using it. Though Kurama's Chakra can amplify his physical power, that is much more of a team effort than it is due to Naruto's Enhancement skills. In the entire series, Naruto's only skill that could be classified as Enhancement would be Sage Mode, as that augments his physical power, makes his attacks hit harder and with more accuracy, and can even have the energy be built up in a similar way to the Nen application of Ren. The downside to this is that in order to gather the energy, he has to sit in a meditative state for long periods of time, which means that his skill with Ren is incredibly limited compared to many Nen users in Hunter X Hunter.

As for Kurama, the Nine Tails, I don't find much in the way of Enhancement here either. Kurama's raw power is more due to his age and size than due to any Enhancement skills so I don't find it likely that he would be capable of using them.


Transmutation is the act of taking your aura and applying properties to it that it does not already have, whether you're trying to mimic something that cannot be conjured, like fire or lightning, or connecting properties from unrelated substances like rubber and gum.

Here Naruto is much stronger, being capable of forcing a lot of power into a sphere the size of his palm and rotating an infinite number of blades within it in the form of Rasengan, or his general Wind Element Nature Change that he combines with his Rasengan to create new spins on existing techniques. Rasengan is one particular argument that one does not need to be an Enhancer to match one with pure physical damage. Though Rasengan is not an easy technique to learn, and Naruto hadn't mastered it at the end of the series, the raw physical power Rasengan has is an application of Ko that would break through defenses far more easily than something like Gon's Jajanken or Uvo's Big Bang Impact. This is due to the spinning razors, which will cut up anything they come into contact with by shredding it in an infinite number of directions.

Naruto has also demonstrated that he can combine his Rasengan with the Tailed Beast Ball with Kurama to make a truly devastating attack.

Kurama doesn't have much in the way of Transmutation either, unfortunately. While The Tailed Beast Ball would be considered a transmutation ability within the Naruto universe, this is not the case when applied to Nen. In Naruto, The Tailed Beast Ball is comprised of a mixture of Light and Dark Energies, emphasized as Yin and Yang Chakra, to create a blast that can be fired and deal a lot of damage. Within Nen, however, this would be a basic energy ball fired at long range. Although the Tailed Beast Ball would be made stronger with the condition that it could only be fired out of the mouth, this only adds a small amount to Kurama's already incredible power.

When combined, the Tailed Beast Rasengan abilities would be powerful but Naruto's transmutation abilities are what make it what it is.


Emission is the act of taking your aura and firing it at long range. This can be in the form of a long range blast or a worm hole used to warp things.

Here is where Naruto and Kurama are the most equal, as both of them have some degree of emission skill. Both seem to be capable of firing their abilities at full power at long range, making the Tailed Beast Ball and Rasenshuriken abilities far more dangerous.


Conjuration is the act of manifesting your aura. With these skills, you can turn your aura into physical substances.

Here, Naruto seems to show some level of power. Naruto's most famous and iconic technique, the Shadow Clone Jutsu, or Shadow Doppelganger technique, or Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, whatever you want to call it, is similar to Kastro's Doppelganger in Hunter X Hunter but on a much larger scale and level of intricacy. The latter we'll talk about more as we go further but the former shows that Naruto is capable of creating a far larger amount of Doppelgangers than Kastro was, which means that he has a far better chance of overwhelming an opponent with sheer numbers, whereas Kastro preferred to use hit-and-run tactics.


Manipulation is the act of giving your aura a command and having it follow that command for as long as it's active. If Conjuration is considered the art of Nen, then Manipulation is the Programming.

Here, Naruto shows far more skill with Manipulation than any character in Hunter X Hunter thus far. Naruto's Shadow Clones seem to be a mixture of Kastro's Doppelganger and Morel's Deep Purple in the way of many clones performing tasks. However, Naruto's is far more powerful.

Morel's Deep Purple is capable of acting on its own but the soldiers can only perform simple instructions due to the nature of the amount of them. Naruto's clones, however, are capable of complete autonomy, behaving in sync with each other and thinking on the fly. This isn't a simple set of code, as the analogy goes, it's full blown AI.

Naruto's Manipulation Skills would be far higher than any other Manipulator in the entirety of Hunter X Hunter due to how intricate the workings of his skill is.


Specialists are Nen users whose abilities do not fall under any of the other five categories. It is a catchall class for that reason.

To my knowledge, I don't think Naruto and Kurama have any specialists skills.


If Naruto were a Nen user, he would most likely be a Conjurer. This would allow him a decent enough ability to learn manipulation skills for his clones, while offering what's necessary for his transmutation and Emission. So, if I were a betting man, I would bet that Naruto is a Conjurer.

Of course this is all my opinion, let me know what you think in the comments and I'll see you next time.

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